Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Day Late..

We had a nest of robins above the light fixture at work. Over the weeks , I would watch Mamma Robin bringing her babies food, and I'd hear them chirping and begging for more. It seemed like over night that I looked up and the four little guys(or gals) were so big that I could see them from down below. They had grown so much that it looked like they could all barely fit in the tiny nest. The next day I brought my camera to a get a shot of them, four balls of feathers stuffed in their temporary dwelling.
I completely forgot to take the picture until about two hours into my shift. I already had a few tables and I didn't feel like busting out my camera, standing on a chair and getting the shot. So I told myself, "I'll get it tomorrow." I arrived early for work the next day armed with my Olympus and a chair...I climbed up to look in the nest...and it was empty!! I was too late. They had already jumped nest and moved on to the next stage of their little bird lives. I was pretty bummed out that because I had waited, I had missed my opportunity. So many times I have put something off and the moment passes me by because I fail to act on my impulse.
Simi, my 75 year old, partial English speaking coworker told me by half sign language and half Spanglish that they had hopped out and were probably hiding somewhere in the surrounding bushes and tress. A few minutes later he came up to me and said, "Mira, mira, la primavera." He had found one of the babies perched in one of our rose bushes, sitting very still. I ran inside, grabbed my camera and got the shot. Every opportunity missed has the possibility of presenting itself again, perhaps not exactly in the same way, you just have to keep your eyes open.