I don't like to put stickers on my car. I don't have one of those, "He bought it, I got it" licence plate frames either. I absolutely don't have any beanie babies on my dashboard. The only thing that really personalizes my car is the big dent in the back and my little smart-fairy-Medusa toy. I received this lovely little fairy(I think that's what she is) from a student. Now, this wasn't one of my permanent students from when I had a full time teaching position. I was only this child's substitute teacher for that day only. We had known each other from morning recess to lunch recess, when she offered me this toy. She came back from lunch and said, "I want you to have this," shoved it into my hand, put her arms around my waist (yes, my waist, she was only in second grade, so she was shorter than me), and gave me a squeeze. I asked her if she was sure, as it was obviously brand new; it still had the wrapper and it still smelled of McDonald's french fries. She put her hands behind her back, nodded and swayed her shoulders back and forth a few times. I was so moved that this child so freely gave her brand new toy to an almost complete stranger. That is why I've kept this little fairy in my car for over four years now, she reminds me to be a selfless giver. That is probably the best thing I've learned from kids; they so freely give their hearts and love to anybody! They don't think about it, they just feel it and act on it. I leave everyone with a challenge: give something today without expecting anything in return (not even a thank you!) for that is the true art of giving.
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